Birthday Tea Party as initial "Good Deed"
GSMoHR's monthly meeting and a birthday celebration

This challenge’s goal is $100
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Fine Print
This good deed funds a celebration for the Gold Star Moms of Hampton Roads and combines their regular September meeting with a birthday bash for their remaining Vietnam Gold Star Mom who will be 96.
This is the inaugural "Good Deed" for our platform. It has taken us longer than we'd wanted to get this all pulled together but now we're rolling. Our goal initially is to complete a few small deeds each week. As the size of our donor base enlarges, our ambitions will, as well, hopefully culminating in accomplishing (i.e. funding) a good deed every day.
If any of the "Suggestions" below catch your fancy, please "Like" it. The moms use this as guidance for which become the next Good Deed.
This Challenge Was Submitted By
Web Master 2
Norfolk, VA
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